How to Charge Your Lovense Hush

How to Charge Your Lovense Hush

Charging your Hush is the first thing you need to do before you can use it. Lovense toys have excellent battery life, ensuring you can use them for long periods. However, a toy that only holds a charge for a short time is challenging to use as it will stop working at crucial moments. 

Lovense understands the need for couples to engage in sexual play outdoors and that good battery life makes this possible. The company also ensures that you can quickly fix battery issues to continue using the toy. 

The Lovense Hush is a vibrating butt plug sold in several sizes for masturbation and couple play. This toy can add flavor to your sex and life and eradicate the risk of boredom. If you just purchased a Lovense Hush, here is a guide to help you keep your favorite sex toy fully charged. 

How long does it take the Lovense Hush to charge?

The time required to charge the battery fully is crucial. If you are planning to use the toy and the charge time is lengthy, it can ruin your plans. In addition, if you use it regularly, it is advisable to charge your toy after the battery runs out to avoid disappointment. 

Ensure that before long storage, you leave the toy at 30 to 50% to ensure the battery is not damaged. The charge time for the Lovense Hush varies by the size of the butt plug. Below are the charge times for the different Lovense Hush sizes. 

Size Charge time

  • XS (Extra-small) – 1-inch diameter 40 Minutes
  • S (Small) – 1.5 inches 60 Minutes
  • M (Medium) – 1.75 inches 90 Minutes
  • L (Large)          – 2.25 inches 155 Minutes

The Hush has a magnetic charger that attaches to the bottom of your sex toy. Make sure that you give enough time for the toy to charge fully. In addition, please do not use the toy while it is still charging, as that is dangerous and can damage the toy’s battery. If you just purchased your Hush, follow these steps to charge it correctly. 

  • Begin by plugging the charger into an outlet in your home. Select one close to a flat surface, such as a table. It is not advisable to place your sex toy on the floor as germs and dirt are on it. 
  • Next, connect the charger to your magnetic charging port on the bottom of your butt plug.
  • You may need to move it around, but ensure the indicator light is on before leaving it to charge. The indicator light signifies that the Hush is charging. 

How long does the Lovense Hush hold a charge? 

The thinnest Lovense Hush 2 has a battery life of 2 hours in continuous use, and the largest butt plug in the range has a battery that can last up to 11 hours with continuous use. However, while the largest Hush butt plug lasts the longest battery-wise, do not try to use it before you are ready for it. 

It is 2.25 inches in diameter at its thickest, which can be uncomfortable and cause tears if you are not comfortable with anal penetration yet or are not relaxed. In addition, the large plug can make some people walk funny, which does not help with discreet public play. 

Why is my Lovense Hush not charging?

The Lovense Hush is an excellent toy, but like any other electronic device, you may experience issues, one of which is problems charging. If the toy does not charge properly, you cannot use it. 

In addition, a half-charged battery will not support any of the individual or partner play you had in mind, which can be very disappointing. Below are some reasons your Lovense Hush is not charging and possible troubleshooting options. 

Charging Mechanism Issues

The charging mechanism determines whether the sex toy charges. If you incorrectly position the charger against the magnetic port, the device will not charge correctly. Toys that use standard charging methods are easy to connect, but those that do not can be challenging. 

If you have plugged in your charger and connected it to the toy and it does not charge, try moving it gently over the charging port until the indicator light glows. Remember that moving the toy will affect the connection so ensure that you place it on a flat surface while charging it. That will ensure that it will charge within the specified charging time. 

Power problems

While it is easy to assume that damage or defects in the toy cause charging problems, lack of power in your home or power problems can affect it. If connecting the magnetic field does not cause your toy to charge, the problem could be power connections in your home. 

Try using an alternate outlet to charge your Hush and if that does not work, check whether there is power by plugging in a different device like the hair drier.

If the new device does not work, you have a power problem in your home. However, that does not mean you give up on charging the sex toy, you can connect it to your laptop, and it will charge normally.

Damaged USB cable

If your charging cable is damaged, your toy will not work. First, ensure the cable works by connecting it to an alternate USB adapter or another device with a USB port. If it still does not charge, then the problem is the cable, and you need to replace it. Make sure you get a high-quality replacement from Lovense. 

Inadequate Power

As mentioned above, you can charge your Lovense Hush using your laptop, but your toy may charge very slowly. Instead of 1 hour, it can take up to three hours. If you unplug it after the specified charging time, the battery will be nearly empty. The idea is your toy may not seem to charge when it is charging too slowly. 

The same is true when you use your car charger. Your laptop goes into sleep mode when not in use to conserve power and stops charging the toy. Similarly, you cannot continue charging your toy when you turn off your car. You can use a USB/AC adapter instead to speed up the charging of your sex toy. 

Poor cleaning

While the Hush does not have a standard charging port, improper cleaning can affect charging. Lube and other fluids may dry on the port and affect the integrity of the magnetic field. It is, therefore, important to clean the sex toy thoroughly after use. However, your toy needs to be very dirty for you to have charging problems. 

Improper storage

Storing your toy affects its longevity and effectiveness in the bedroom. In addition, improper storage can cause problems with charging, and you may not be able to enjoy the toy as much as you would like. 

Avoid storing your toy in high temperatures as that can affect the battery life of Lithium-ion batteries. For example, if the toy has been stored below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or above 113 degrees Fahrenheit, it will not charge.

A toy loses charge during storage, so if you are trying to use a toy right out of storage, it will not work. That does not mean there is a charging problem, but the battery has no charge. Recharge the toy, and it will work as expected. 

If you store your toy without any charge, it will affect the battery’s ability to hold a charge. When you try to charge it after several months, it will not work. That is because when stored empty, lithium-ion batteries lose their charging capacity. 

Where to get a replacement charger for my Lovense Hush

If your USB cable is damaged, you must purchase a new one. The Hush butt plug comes with a USB cable that you can use to connect the toy to a USB/AC adapter or your laptop or car charger. If your adapter or cable is not working, here is a list of places to get it.

The Lovense website

You can buy a replacement charger from Lovense. They offer high-quality options made specifically for the Hush range of toys. Be careful when buying online to ensure you get a charger that works for your toy. 


Lovense is a retailer on amazon, so you can buy yourself a replacement adapter or USB cable that will work perfectly for your toy. Several choices are available, and you may get a great discount on the cable and an adapter.

Sex toy stores

Sex toy stores sell toys and accessories. For example, you could get a charger or a USB cable for your Lovense from an online store or a brick-and-mortar one. The store assistants can help you find the perfect one for your toy. Ensure you ask about the store’s return policy before purchasing the chargers. 

Can I use the Lovense Hush while it is charging? 

No, it is not advisable to use your Lovense Hush while charging. Just like using your phone while charging is bad for the battery, it can affect your sex toy battery. Also, using your toy while it is charging will prevent your toy from fully charging, which can damage the battery.

Secondly, using a butt plug means inserting it into your body; it is unwise to connect a device to electrical power while in your body. You could get electrocuted.

Finally, since the Hush uses a magnetic charging system, it is very difficult to keep the charger connected while using it for sexual pleasure. That can damage the battery and also affect the quality of your sexual play. 

Good care and maintenance of your toy include charging it properly. If you charge it correctly, the toy will serve you for a long time and ensure you have many orgasms alone and with a partner. You can use the above guide to help you charge your toy correctly and enhance the battery’s longevity.