How to Make Fake Cum

How to Make Fake Cum

Do you have a semen fetish? If yes, playing with sex toys without seeing all the semen flowing like you would from a real dick might not cut it. Using fake cum, even made from common kitchen ingredients, could improve your playtime.

What is Fake Cum

Fake cum is a liquid replicating the look, texture, and taste of real human semen. It is a mainstay of the porn industry, especially in scenes where they want to showcase huge but realistic cumshots.

Watching such scenes is exciting and a turn-on who associates semen with sexual satisfaction. Getting your dildo to squirt some fake cum into your pussy can give you a fake but safe creampie. Splattering it all over your face could give you that exciting cumshot thrill.

If you are a hardcore DIYer with a homemade dildo, you might need a syringe on the side to implement the squirt.

Moreover, the correct fake cum can also double up as lube during anal sex.

Luckily, getting yourself drenched in yummy cum is very easy. In most cases, you need some water, cornstarch, and sugar or salt to give it a characteristic taste, and you are in business.

However, you must change your recipe depending on how you use it. For instance, you might want to modify your recipe or go for a commercial cum lube if you are playing with your favorite sex toy and aren’t sure if your recipe will ruin it.

What is Fake Cum Made of?

The ingredients in fake cum will vary depending on whether you want it edible or not. Here is a look at popular recipes.

Egg White, Cornstarch, Yoghurt, and Water

The simplest recipe gives you a flavor and some edible spunk. The ingredients will bring the flavor and the salt you add to give it that characteristic salty cum taste.

What you need

  • 1 cup of water
  • One egg white
  • Two tablespoons of cornstarch
  • One tablespoon of greek yogurt
  • A pinch of salt for flavor – not mandatory

What to do

  • Place the cornstarch in a bowl and use 1/4 of the 1 cup of water to dissolve it fully
  • Place the remaining water in a pan and bring it to a boil on a pan
  • Add the cornstarch mixture into the boiling water and stir until it thickens
  • Remove the thickened starch from the stove and let it cool to room temperature. Let it sit for at least three hours to be sure. Adding eggs to a still warm mixture will cook the egg
  • Once the cornstarch mixture is at room temperature, mix the egg white with the yogurt and start whisking
  • If you want, add a pinch of salt to give it that distant saltiness of real cum
  • Pour the egg-yogurt blend into the cornstarch and mix thoroughly

Your fake cum is ready. Since egg and yogurt go bad quickly, use your creation as soon as possible. If refrigerated, the fake cum can be good for a day. 

Even though this recipe gives you something edible, don’t put it in or on your vagina. Animal protein in the eggs and yogurt could lead to an infection.

Remember, this recipe could block the charging port on some toys like the Lovesense Lush 2.

Warning: Don’t eat it if you are egg or lactose intolerant

Simple Sugary Fake Cum With a Sugary Twist

You can try this simpler recipe if you don’t like the egg taste in your fake cum. This one uses sugar to satisfy your sweet tooth.

What you need

  • 200 ml water
  • One tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1.5 teaspoons of sugar

What to do

  • Add a quarter of the water to the cornstarch, stirring until fully dissolved into a thick mixture.
  • Place the rest of the water onto a pan, add the sugar and bring it to a boil.
  • Add the cornstarch mixture into the water and stir until you create a consistent thick mixture.

Even though this fake cum mix will look real at a glance, it doesn’t have the realistic texture and taste of semen. Some might find the sweetness pleasant, but others will find it repelling. It is up to you to try and see.

Once again, since it has sugar, don’t use it in your vagina or even around the vagina. It could lead to yeast infections.

Impromptu Fake Cum: Water and Yoghurt

This is the simplest recipe yet. Moreover, it is more forgiving and can go on or around your vagina without the risk of infections.

What you need:

  • Water
  • Some natural yogurt

What to do

  • Take four parts of yogurt and add one part of water. Stir to give a consistent texture
  • The fake cum is ready to use

You can adapt the ratios to give you the thickness and consistency you want. Since no sugar or other recipes are in the mix, you could theoretically use this around or in your vagina. After all, natural yogurt is a safe and affordable treatment for yeast infections.

Just don’t expect to keep playing once you have it in there since this mix has no lubricating properties.

Buy What the Pros Make

A safer alternative to making your fake cum is buying from the pros. Most commercially available fake cum products are non-toxic, water-based, and non-toxic.

They are designed to work with silicone toys and often leave no stains on the sheets or anything they touch. 

Some of the products you can look for are:

  • Bad Dragon cum lube
  • Master Series Jizz
  • Methyl Cellulose

Best Way to Use Fake Semen

Since fake cum is best used to mimic a real ejaculation, the best way to use it if you have a cum fetish is in a way that replicates what you would get during ejection.

Get a Squirting Dildo

If you have a squirting dildo, feed in the fake cum and get ready to squirt it out at the opportune moment. Since it is homemade cum that might not be safe for your vagina or anal experience, squirt it over your body, face, or mouth.

Having your partner squirt the extra fake cum onto you, giving you the perfect cumshot just as he ejaculates, could make the exhilarating jizz mess you desire, turning you into the perfect cum bucket.

If you are recording, be sure to hide the source of the cum. Your audience might think you got drenched giving you a good cumshot video.

You could also use a syringe to squirt on the fake cum during video shots – as long as you keep the source hidden.

Warning: Don’t use homemade fake cum for any creampie shots. If you want it in your vagina or ass, spend extra and go for commercial cum lubes designed to go in.

Is Home Made Fake Cum Safe?

Assuming you are not allergic to the ingredients, homemade fake cum is safe if you keep it away from your hoohaa and don’t use it for anal sex. It will look great on your face after a cumshot and will be amazing if it splatters and spills on your boobs.

However, it could affect the pH levels in your vagina if it ends up there. This will cause a wide range of infections, the most common being yeast infections.

Moreover, you shouldn’t ingest the homebrew if you are allergic to milk or egg since all the formulas we gave contain one or both.

Is Commercial Fake Cum 100% Safe

While the fake cum you buy is safe for most forms of play, it isn’t necessarily 100% safe for everyone. Some caveats include:

  • It might not be designed for oral ingestion
  • Your skin might be allergic to some of the ingredients

Treat store fake cum as you would any lubricant. Get a brand you trust, and test it out in a small amount looking for any allergic reactions. Discontinue use if you don’t like anything about it. If you find something without any side effects, stick by it religiously.

Finally, don’t ingest store-bought fake cum. You have no idea how it was produced, even if you can read the ingredients. Since no government body approves it for consumption, the production standards might not be audited with ingestion in mind. If you want something in your mouth, stick with the homemade recipes using food products you aren’t allergic to.