how to clean and maintain a blowjob machine

How to Clean and Maintain Your Blowjob Machine

Owning a blowjob machine is a great way to enjoy simulated blowjobs that will always end up in a swallow. You can always nut in your blowjob machine without worrying about whether it is in the mood to swallow or not.

Unlike a human, your blowjob machine stores all that cum in it as it cannot get rid of it. Your added responsibility is draining it, cleaning up, and getting it ready for its next use.

Cleaning and maintaining your blowjob machine is as important as cleaning a pocket pussy or any other toy that gets in touch with lube, your junk, and your cum.

How Often Should You Clean Your Blowjob Machine?

Ideally, you should clean your blowjob machine immediately after use and right before using it. However, most people will make do with a thorough cleaning after use – as long as you store it in a dry and closed container.

  • Cleaning it after use ensures it doesn’t fester and grow bacteria
  • Cleaning it before use protects you from any dirt, pathogens, or even dust that could have accumulated during storage

What Happens if You Don’t Clean Your Blowjob Machine?

Well, a dirty blowjob machine is plain unhygienic. It will stick and give you bacterial infections that will turn into nasty urinary tract infections (UTI).

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While the water-based lube you use with the blowjob machine won’t do much harm over time, the glucose-filled semen in your cum creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.

If left to sit in the silicon confines of your sex toy, it will go stale and start stinking in no time – just like food does when left in the open.

  • The blowjob machine will stink
  • It will look gross, and you won’t even want to stick your finger in it, let alone your dick
  • The chemicals the bacteria release when breaking down the sugar could react with and deteriorate your blowjob machine’s walls
  • You will get UTIs and other infections if you are brave enough to use that gross orifice

The prospects are even worse if you share your blowjob machine. Sharing a toy is sort of similar to sharing a sex partner. You can get STIs – unless you clean and disinfect the toy.

Cleaning a blowjob machine before and after use with the proper antiseptic cleaner is the perfect way to disinfect it in this case. You should also consider using protection (a condom) or just getting your own blowjob machine and completely eliminate the risk of an STI.

Cleaning Your Blowjob Material Varies Depending on Material and Type

The cleaning procedure and cleaning agents you use will vary depending on:

  • What material the blowjob material is made of
  • Whether it is electric/motorized or a manual unit

Choosing the Cleaning Procedure Depending on Material

The most common material used in blowjob machines is silicone, Cyberskin (a proprietary elastomeric material), plastic blends, thermoplastic elastomer (TPR), thermoplastic rubber (TPE) and Jelly rubber.

You will get the exact material from your toy’s spec sheet. After that, choose the cleaning procedure based on that.

Silicone Based Toys

If your toy is made of medical-grade silicone, you have the easiest cleanup. It might not be the most natural feeling blowjob machine, but the fact that medical-grade silicone is nonporous means you can clean it using mildly soapy warm water and a washcloth.

The lack of pores means bits of your semen have nowhere to hide, and bacteria can’t crawl into tiny nooks and crannies. This could eliminate the need for antibacterial cleaners purposefully built for sex toys.

Additionally, medical-grade silicon is versatile, and you can clean it with most antibacterial soaps without damaging it. Just ensure your soap is mild enough not to harm your dick. 

Cyberskin, Vinyl and other Proprietary Human-Like Compounds

If your toy is made of proprietary polymers like Cyberskin, designed to feel like human skin and mouth, chances are it is a bit porous and less resilient than medical-grade silicone.

Your biggest concerns here should be:

  • Getting an antibacterial cleaner that will get rid of any bacteria in the pores
  • Ensuring your cleaner isn’t too harsh for the proprietary polymer

The other catch is these polymers will also need a cornstarch dusting after cleaning to prevent them from going sticky and deteriorating fast.

On such toys, ensure you read your user and maintenance manual to the latter and do any extra cleaning or maintenance work the manufacturer suggests.

Plastics and Rubber Variants

This category captures TPR, TPE and Jelly Rubber – among other proprietary plastics. They can be shaped to mimic the different ridges in the toy to simulate what a mouth feels like, and some of the thermoplastics might have some designed porosity.

In this case, you will need a sex toy antibacterial cleaner, some warm water, rags and even a toothbrush to help you reach all those nooks and crannies.

Cleaning an Electric Blowjob Machine

If you have a motorized electric blowjob machine, you should be very careful when cleaning it. Any water in the electronics part will definitely ruin the toy. 

It doesn’t matter if the manufacturer says it is waterproof. Electronics don’t like water. Keep it as dry as possible – even when using it.

Some important things to consider here include:

  • Never submerge your electric blowjob machine in water
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe it down and clean it when possible
  • If you can disassemble the action end from the electric end, please do so and clean the dirty silicone or thermoplastic like you would a non-electric toy 

Cleaning Your Blowjob Machine the Right Way

With the above considerations in mind, it is time to go through the actual cleaning steps. We will highlight the different steps that you have to modify depending on what type of toy you have

What you need

  • Warm water
  • A soft bristle toothbrush
  • Lint-free washcloth
  • Antibacterial sex toy cleaner
  • Some soap (if you have a silicone toy and no sex toy cleaner, but I recommend antibacterial sex toy cleaner)

What to do

  • If your blowjob machine has a suction control knob, twist it to the lowest suction. If it has a cleaning hatch, open it for easier cleaning
  • Prepare the blowjob machine for cleaning by using soft wet wipes or tissues to wipe off most of the lube and cum. Be careful not to use hard abrasive wipes or tissue that will ruin the surface
  • If you can detach it from the electric part or it isn’t electric, you can rinse it off under a running tap using your fingers to coax the cum from inside the toy
  • If it is a non-detachable electric toy, use a damp piece of cloth to wipe away most of the semen carefully
  • Add the antibacterial sex toy cleaner to some warm water and swish around to mix it properly
  • Dip the washcloth into the soap and use it to wipe inside and outside your blowjob machine
  • If it has no electrical components, dip it in a container of warm water with the antibacterial cleaner and let it sit for five minutes
  • When cleaning the inside of the toy, you can use your finger to scrub inside the toy. Ensure to get any ribs and crevices and rub them clean
  • You can use a soft toothbrush if your toy is made of resilient material like medical-grade silicone
  • Rinse out the toy using running water or wipe it dry with a clean but damp lint-free wash cloth if it is electric

How to Dry Your Blowjob Machine

After you are done cleaning and rinsing, it is time to dry up everything in preparation for storage. 

  • Use soft tissues or a dry lint free rag to wipe the interior of the toy carefully.
  • Use your finger to check for any remaining wet surfaces and repeat the wipe if necessary
  • Let your blowjob machine air dry in an open space with free-flowing air for around 5 minutes
  • Use your finger to check for any dampness. Keep drying for up to 12 hours if it is still damp

If the machine is made of materials that need cornstarch after cleaning, for instance, Vinyl or Cyberskin, remember to give it a sprinkling right now.

Storing Your Blowjob Machine

After the blowjob machine is all dry and treated, it is time to store it properly and ready for next use. Proper storage keeps it clean and prevents unwanted deterioration. Some of the best ways to store it include:

  • Storing it in the packaging, it came in
  • Storing it in clean plastic containers
  • Wrap it in a clean piece of cloth – ensure the cloth is lint free

Basic Maintenance Tips to Keep in Mind

Here are some crucial maintenance tips that will help keep your blowjob machine in working condition for longer

  • Always clean and dry every nook and cranny
  • Keep checking the batteries and ensure that they don’t corrode or expand when charging
  • When storing it for long, ensure that it is clean, dry and remove the battery if it is removable
  • Don’t drop, twist or over exert your blowjob machine. Be as gentle as you would when receiving a blowjob from a girl
  • Ensure that you use a compatible antibacterial cleaner and avoid using just any soap you come across
  • Don’t use strong antiseptics and bleach to try and disinfect your blowjob machine
  • Frequently inspect your blowjob machine for any tears or holes. Retire it if you notice any tears and punctures as they will be a big bacteria breeding ground

Can You Put a Blowjob Machine in the Dishwasher?

No. You can’t put your Blowjob machine in a dishwasher. First, a dishwasher can’t clean the interior of the blowjob machine as it is too tight for water jets to hit it.

Secondly, the cleaning detergents in the dishwasher can be too harsh for your blowjob machine’s material.

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Finally, if it is a motorized machine, the water deluge will ruin the electronics rendering your valuable machine almost useless.

Bottom Line

Yes, cleaning your blowjob machine after basking in post-nut bliss might be hard. However, you should always commit and at least pre-clean before a thorough clean within an hour or two after using the toy.

If you don’t think you will have the resources for immediate cleanup (perhaps you are travelling) consider using a condom. This will contain all your cum and leave you with easier to clean lube on the blowjob machine.