How to Prepare for a Butt Plug

How to Prepare for a Butt Plug

One of the best methods to prepare for anal sex is to use a butt plug. It ensures that your muscles loosen up and you are comfortable having a cock in your ass. However, if you just bought your first butt plug, putting it in your ass can be very intimidating for you. 

You may be worried about pain or doing it the wrong way. That can have you avoiding a very pleasurable experience. If you do not know how to prepare to have a butt plug in your ass, here is a comprehensive butt plug beginner guide.

How do I prepare my ass for a butt plug?

It is essential to ensure that your ass is ready to receive the anal plug you purchased. Therefore, the first thing you will need to do is relax.

Being relaxed is crucial as it ensures you can comfortably insert a butt plug without your ass reflexively pushing it out because you are not ready to take it.

Apart from relaxing, here are other things you need to prepare for a butt plug. 

Use the washroom

Before anything else, go to the loo and poop. For best results, ensure you eat high-fiber food a day or two before you use the butt plug. Then, when you evacuate your bowels, that will ensure you leave your butt cleaner. 

You should do this 1 hour before you engage in anal play. In addition, if you have not pooped all day, you will not be able to enjoy anal play because the toy in your ass may make you feel like you are about to poop. 


If you love a smooth ass, shave off any hairs around your asshole before inserting your butt plug. You can go to a beauty parlour for waxing or other hair removal procedures to ensure the area looks good. 

Although this will not affect your experience, it may help you feel better about yourself. It is a good choice when preparing for anal sex too.  

Cleanup your asshole

After pooping, you must clean your asshole to avoid nasty stains when using your butt plug. You can either deep-clean your ass or easy-clean it. That will depend on your needs and whether you are worried about staining your sheets. 

Easy clean

To easy-clean, wash the anal region with soap and warm water. Be careful to clean the entire area and ensure there are no bits of poop on you.

You can also use hypoallergenic baby wipes to clean your ass if you cannot use soap and water. Baby wipes are best because they do not contain chemicals that may irritate you even if they get near your pussy. 

Deep clean

Deep clean your asshole, especially if you plan to play with a partner. If your ass is dirty, it could ruin the mood due to the smells in the room when they move the butt plug.

You will need warm water and an enema bulb or fleet enema. If you use a bulb, fill it with warm water. On the other hand, when using a fleet enema, follow the instructions on the package to use it. 

Fleet enemas are safer than bulbs because they are pre-lubricated, making them easier to put in your asshole. Do not use too much water, as that can stimulate your rectum and create an even bigger mess.

If you have filtered water in your home, use that for your enema instead of ordinary tap water. Follow these steps to engage in anal douching. 

  • Choose a private and quiet place, preferably a bathroom, to do your enema. Bring the enema bulb, towels, and a timer. 
  • Take off all the clothes on your lower half of the body and clean your hands with hot water and soap and dry them. 
  • Spread the towels on the floor. 
  • Lie on the right side of your body if you are left-handed and left if you are right-handed. 
  • Next, bend the knee on the leg that is on top and place a rolled-up towel under the knee to support it. 
  • Uncap the douche and gently insert the nozzle into your ass. Be careful, as you do not want to injure the delicate anal tissue. If you notice resistance or feel pain, do not push it in, as you could severely injure your rectal tissues. Instead, remove and reinsert it gently at a 45-degree angle like a butt plug. 
  • Insert the nozzle until it is about 4 inches inside your rectum. 
  • Next, gently squeeze the enema until all the water goes into the ass. 
  • Wait between 2 and 10 minutes for the liquid to work, and then move your bowels normally to expel the water. 
  • If unsatisfied, you can repeat the process but do not add soap or disinfectants to your enema liquid. 
  • Finally, shower if you need to, or rinse your butt areas and dry them normally. You need to wait 2 hours before inserting your anal plug after the enema.

Using an enema or douche ensures you do not have to worry about poop stains or bad smells when using a butt plug. In addition, it will help you relax if you use the butt plug with a partner. 

Lube your ass

Now that your ass is clean, you need to lube it up. Use water-based lube because it is good for your toy and does not leave a big mess. Oil-based lube is likely to be messy and damage your bedsheets. If you are worried about stains, you can lay a clean, dry towel on the bed before starting. 

Use your finger to apply the lube, and ensure that you put your fingers in your asshole and move them around a bit. It will help you relax and also turn you on. Begin using one finger and increase the number as you get comfortable and aroused.

Doing this prevents painful butt plug insertion and ensures you enjoy the experience. If you have a prostate, you can lightly tap on it to increase arousal. 

Ladies, remember, after putting your finger in your ass, do not use them on your pussy, because you could end up with bacterial vaginosis, which will require a hospital visit to treat.

Using your finger is an excellent choice, as it allows you to check whether the douche or enema worked. You can use gloves to finger your asshole if it makes you uncomfortable. 

Doing the above will help prepare your ass for a butt plug. It will ensure it is clean and sexy and make you more comfortable if a partner is helping you insert a butt plug or during anal sex.

When you feel clean, sexy, and lubricated, you will enjoy anal penetration more and likely have a huge P-spot or anal orgasm. Use the above steps to prepare your ass before using a butt plug.